Monday, October 10, 2016

Hole In The Rock Ride

Hole-In-The-Rock ride may best described in three words:  
    timely, contrast, and enjoyable.

Timely: Our original ride dates were for later in the week; several of the
group had conflicts so we backed up and rescheduled for the 18th-21st. If we
had kept our original dates we would have been rained out. Funny how things
seem to work out.

Contrast: Our ride on Monday covered desolate desert, majestic red rocks,
and some amazing views of the Hole-In-The-Rock. Those Pioneer were
dedication and perseverance personified, with a deep faith in God. The next
day we experienced the high (and I mean HIGH) mountain tops with winding
roads where the trees were in full bloom with colors of gold, orange and
red, it was breathtaking.

Enjoyable: We are very thankful for our friendships with each of you. All of
you contributed to a wonderful experience and memories that are cherished.
Thanks to all of you for a great time. Big thank you to Larsen, Brenchley
and Cook for their help and support.

Larry & Shari

The following photos were submitted by Richard and Cheryl:


The following photos were submitted by Fred & Diana:

The following photos submitted by Karen:


  1. What a great few days. Thanks Karen for the opportunity to renew memories of the good times with good friends. Also Larry thanks for the commentary, loved it.
